Saturday, January 17, 2015

Some More Stuff About Me

Oh, gosh, I've been so busy playing!  Mommy has made me lots of pretty things so far, would you like to see them?

First, she made me a pretty bed to sleep in.  She said it looks like the one her grandma made when she was a little girl.  It's really cozy and warm and just my size!  Sometimes Mommy takes me with her in it.

Then she made me this pretty dress, it's really soft!  Ha, ha, look, there's Mommy taking my picture!

After that, Mommy made me some hair!  She said it was her first time and the next one would be better!  I was playing with a puppy!  He was really funny, he licked my face a lot!

At Christmas Mommy made me some slippers and a better wig, just like she promised!  I feel so pretty now!

And best of all, after Christmas, Mommy made me my own big-girl bunk bed!  I can have sleepovers just like other girls!  And she made me another wig, this one's really fun!

Can I go play now?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Story, So Far

Hi again!  I was thinking about what to tell you about first.  How about me?  I used to have another mommy, Mommy Jessie, who painted my face really neat and gave me cool clothes and loved me very much.  I had brothers and sisters, here's a picture of some of my brothers.

She took me to a room with lots of other dolls and mommies and Mommy SideShow found me and took me home!  She told me my sailor outfit was cute and my face was rad!

I have a friend who is Natalie.  She's a lot bigger than me!  She has a mommy who is Mommy's daughter...or somthing like that?  Her room has a big couch that my Mommy made and a rug that has bushy loops on it, it feels tickly!  Here she is in a picture.

Mommy says I have to go to bed now.  Night-night!

Monday, January 12, 2015


Hello, my name is Pandora, 'Dora to my friends and family.  I am a Hujoo Baby Suve ball jointed doll, 12 cm tall.  I like to go places and do things and I hope you will like to see, too!